For anyone who wants to follow my 18 Hours of Fruita progress, or lack thereof…Chris will be sending updates via Twitter. I may send some updates if I get a bit of downtime. So, go create an account at twitter.com and follow ctirpak and bbaker22 . The race starts at midnight (Friday night) and ends at 6pm Saturday.
Got out for another short night ride last night. Used the HID and R2 combo again. Works well. 26psi is a bit too high for the rear tubeless config. Gotta remember to go to about 24psi.
The HID turns a bit over hard bumps. Might need to put a thicker handlebar shim under the mount. For the flashlight, I think the double Velcro strap mount is going to work well. Last night I managed to get the light aimed up nice and high, so I won’t have to tilt my head up for 6 straight hours.
Actually, I woke up to a slightly tweaked neck this morning. This is a sorta common experience for me, but with 18 hours of biking coming up, it is not cool. Actually, my neck problems are all related to a nasty 6-8 foot drop I landed on my face in Rabbit Valley (Fruita) years ago. I’ll be headed to the chiropractor later for an adjustment. Hopefully no big deal, but we’ll see.
Oh yeah, this blog update is a test of the blogger.com email posting capability.