Saturday I woke up to a huge amount of snow. Tried spinning the bike around the house. Ridiculous, so I broke out the snowshoes and shoed for a while. The snow kept coming down, but it was above 32F, so it was super messy. Later in the afternoon, I did manage to get out for an hour ride, which was pretty much just disgusting. Sleet, rain, ice pellets, massive amounts of mud and slush. A huge headwind pummeling my face w/ ice at one point. Yippee...
I did have fun sledding twice with the kids and even went swimming for a while today at the Y. I have a soccer game later, so I'll get some more exercise for the day. Just hoping to not get hurt in the 2 games left prior to 18 Hours of Fruita.
Oh yeah, the ghetto Stan's tubeless setup appears to be holding air. Hopefully, I'll get to take it out for a spin tomorrow and see how it works. It is super sunny today and is supposed to be wicked warm over the next 7 days, so all this snow will melt. We supposedly got about 24 inches...