Today I had some errands to run, so I figured I'd get in some utility cycling. Hooked the Burley up to the Cross Check and hit the road.

Went by Vitamin Cottage, picked up some milk and vitamins for the kids. Then, I headed over to my parents to pick up their dog, Prince. I put his little dog coat on him, put his dog bed in the trailer, covered him up with a blanket, and rode back home. A good way to combine exercise and transportation!
While I enjoyed today's ride, it reminded me how cycling is not well incorporated into our transportation system. In the 18 miles of riding, there might be 2 miles of bike lane. I don't need a bike lane, but a shoulder wider than 6 inches sure is nice! On the way to my parent's house, I took a 3 mile detour to avoid riding uphill on Highway 105. Riding slowly on 105 seems like a sure death wish. On the way home, I took 105, since it is downhill all the way to the highway and the new sections of road actually have some reasonable width to them.
Another thing I noticed: people give me way more room when pulling the Burley. Of course, they are assuming I have kids in tow, not a couple gallons of milk and/or a dog! The drivers were far more respectful than when I'm just a lone road cyclist. Of course, they probably were also thinking, "What kind of idiot takes his kids on highway 105?"
The truth is that I would not feel safe taking my kids on a road like that. Given the average American motorist's lack of patience, their concept of driving as a video game/competition, and the fact that the road is not designed with cyclists in mind, taking the Burley loaded with kids on many roads in El Paso County is just asking for a trip to the hospital.
Added another 3 miles and 300 feet by picking the girls up from daycare. I can tell they are getting bigger, as the big hills feel significantly harder this year, compared to last year!