Bleh, sick of the freakin' trainer! Another 45 minutes in front of the TV last night. Put in some high intensity intervals. The weather is conspiring against enjoyable training. We're supposed to get some more snow this afternoon and evening.
In an effort to keep things fun, I'm gonna hit Palmer Park after my chiropractor appointment this morning. I love Palmer Park, it has great riding and is right in the middle of town.
I moved here in 94 and I didn't know where in the city to live. Tirpak suggested that I check out the Palmer Park area. His comment was something like, "It's like a little Grand Canyon in the middle of town." I ended up moving into an apartment right next to the Palmer Park. I spent a lotta time exploring the park's more obscure areas and my technical skills skyrocketed. Between pushing my limits and being a new wheelbuilder, I taco'd a lotta wheels back then!