Rode into work this morning via the Sante Fe Trail. Brrrr!!! It was 26 degrees when I left the house. With an immediate 400 foot descent down to the trail, my toes and fingers were pretty darn cold! Core temp was fine the whole way and eventually my toes and fingers warmed back up. My face felt a bit like this pic.
My Camelback tube also froze solid within minutes. Good thing I had a water bottle filled w/ Sustained Energy. I've been using the Sustained Energy drink mix for longer rides and I think it'll work fine. One thing I've noticed is that I get a sticky feeling mouth just drinking the drink mix, so I think I'll need some regular water also, just to keep my mouth cleansed.
Once I got to the flagpole, I saw that I'd have a slight headwind, but it didn't turn out to be anything significant. I pretty much just cruised into work. Lots of joggers out this morning, which is a bit surprising considering the low temperature.
Planning to go to ride the Falcon Trail at lunch w/ Austin and Kenton. We may also meet Nordby out on the trail somewhere. Should be fun!