After commuting into work today and doing some physical labor in the lab, I decided to take the afternoon off and just ride... So, Kenton, Austin, and I headed over to the Air Force Academy to ride the Falcon Trail.
At the gate, they told us they'd have to look in the trunk of Austin's car. A bit of a pain since we had a trunk rack and 2 bikes back there. Anyway, we pulled over, unloaded, they checked everything out, we loaded back up and headed over to the BX. As soon as we started riding, we ran into Nordby, who said trail conditions were great (he was right). Tacky, and essentially snow and ice free.
Austin, Kenton, and I did a lap together. There is a small 4x4 board crossing one of the streams. No big deal, but I rode across it, which was sorta neat. Austin had a snake bite about halfway through. While Kenton and Austin fixed the flat, I trued both his wheels. They were both out of whack enough to rub the brake pads.
When we got back to the BX, Austin and Kenton took off in the car and I went for another partial lap around the trail. I did a little over half a lap, turning off at the B52. Rode up the Sante Fe Trail to Monument, up Mt Herman Rd to the DLS/BP exit. I headed east here and hooked up w/ a series of game trails that go to the top of Flying Dog. Headed home from there, totaling about 53 miles and over 4500 feet of climbing! Yippee.
I feel pretty decent considering all the mileage. On the other hand, I don't know how I'm going to triple that effort in 3 weeks for 18 Hours of Fruita. That just seems like an insane amount of riding. I guess we'll see...