Time to get busy. Leaving tonight for Fruita via Frisco. Hoping to get a good night's sleep in Frisco, with no kids/dogs to wake me up in the middle of the night or early in the morning. I have a few loose ends for packing, but I'm pretty much ready to roll. Spun a few miles in Ute today w/ Austin and Kenton. Did some stretching afterward. Nothing else left to do, except go have some fun in the sand and sun. The forecast is looking good temperature-wise, but a bit sketchy for precip. There are sections of the course that are pretty much a big mess when wet. The mud gets wicked sticky and the bike turns into a giant anchor. I'm hoping we don't encounter those kinds of conditions. This mud also wreaks havoc on drivetrains. With my internally geared hub, I shouldn't have those issues, but I'd still prefer a nice dry course!