Got in some good saddle time today at lunchtime. Headed out towards Blodgett Peak for a little elevation gain and exploration. Ended up chasing trails above the water tank, til the hike-a-bike got too annoying. Got up to right around 8k, I believe.
Ran into another cyclist asking for directions to hook up to the Falcon Trail. I said I had done it about 12 years ago, but no longer remembered the details. We parted ways, I hike-a-biked some more then decided to call it quits and headed back, with a short detour to see where the north trail went. Almost immediately saw USAFA signs. Headed back downhill via a nasty loose descent and saw the obvious path through the Academy. Popped out onto some dirt roads, which I took down through the stables, the decommissioned neighborhood, then hooked back up w/ the Sante Fe Trail at the little fishing pond. Tooled back to Rockrimmon and up the hill to work.
Ended up putting in about 2:20 for a lunch ride and did probably close to 2000 feet of elevation gain. Felt a little toasted when I got back to work since I hadn't planned on a long ride. I had started w/ basically no water in the pack and only a small amount of Hammer Gel. Fueled up w/ some Cup-A-Soup, a banana, and an orange. The cup-a-soup is actually pretty close in carbs and protein to what Hammer recommends for recovery. Of course, it also have the daily dose of sodium in one serving!
Thinking about the epic long routes to work I could take, hooking up Mt Herman Rd, back through to Stanley Canyon, over to Blodgett and down through Ute Valley. Now, that would be sweet!
Snow in the forecast for tomorrow. Hopefully it will be either nothing, or a huge dump, so I have some motivation to ride the snow bike instead of hitting the trainer, like I did for another 45 minutes last night.