Here we go...18 Hours of Fruita solo. Been riding since Christmas, trying to get in miles while shrugging off an elbow tendonitis issue. Feels like I have made enough progress, so I bit the bullet and signed up for Fruita. Tpak will be crewing, which will be great.
So, how do I spend the next 8.5 weeks preparing for riding 18 hours at a very casual pace? First off, no more injuries (soccer, ryu te, etc).
Long hours in the saddle coming up, but I'd rather focus on quality rather than quantity. Can that be effective for an 18 hour ride?
Today - an hour long ride in Ute w/ Kenton. Knees and elbow are feeling pretty good. Legs are a bit toasted from riding the past 8 of 9 days. Hamstrings (esp left) are sore from soccer, I believe.
Tomorrow - riding at lunch w/ coworkers, prob downtown on the Sante Fe Trail. If I'm feeling motivated, I should commute back and forth from Monument, also. Then, I need a day off.
PS. ...as for taking a brake from riding I've heard Sundays are a great day for rest! ;)
Sunday is definitely NOT a rest day for me. It is one of 2 days where I can get in a long ride.