So, my core exercises generally consist of crunches, oblique crunches, and leg lifts. Jon suggested I try some planks, side planks, and a sorta modified crunch/hold thing. All I gotta say is, these make me hate core exercises even more, which is a good thing. Man, I was quivering like a leaf in this morning's wind after about 45 seconds. No way, was I getting to the 2 minutes Jon suggested, but 2x1 minute was doable. These seem like a good addition to my "routine".
Oh yeah, I generally don't obsess over my weight, but at Christmas time I was up to 166, the heaviest in my life. Just weighed myself in the locker room and I'm down to 159. Definitely due to increased exercise and near elimination of alcohol consumption (talk about empty calories). By the time 18 Hours of Fruita rolls around, I imagine I'll be down to about 155. Nowhere near the 148 I was at for the Leadville 100, but I don't wanna work that hard!