Well, upon descending 700 or so vertical feet, I verified that it was indeed blocked off and signed ("guard dogs") even.

Took a look at the map and realized I could bushwack about 1 mile to the north and hit Hotel Gulch Rd, which would then take me west to Hwy 67. Worked out fine. Easy bushwack and passed some nice cabins along the way to Manitou Park, which is really nice. Old CCC buildings which now appear to house weather and forestry research crews.
Oh yeah, passed a flaming and unattended campfire just above the upper entrance to Limbaugh. Nothing like open flames on a hot and windy summer morning! I grabbed some nearby litter (empty milk jugs) and covered the fire with sand/gravel. Oh yeah, my habitual overhydrating came in handy, too.

Total time in the saddle, just under 5 hours. About 40 miles and 4700ft of climbing. Nice!