First trip to the physical therapist today. No big deal. My knee is doing ridiculously well. Well enough that another woman who was there and had similar surgery the same day kept asking me how I could be doing so well in just one week. I dunno! Range of motion is huge now. I even played 9 holes of disc golf today w/ zero pain.
Workout for the day:
10 minutes on the stationary bike
10 minutes walking backwards on the treadmill
Front/back balance board
Side to side balance board
Squats on instability pads (like big gel pillows)
Foot raises (hip twist while standing on a block)
The PT said, "this is gonna be too easy."
Came home after work and rode the fat bike around while the 5 year old rode her tiny bike (doing awesome) and the 3 year old rode around her tricycle (finally learning how to pedal forward). Good times!