I'm sitting here in stockings, about 5 hours post knee surgery. Things apparently went flawlessly and the doc found no "extra credit" work that needed to be done. I'd never had surgery before, so the whole thing was a bit interesting.
No food or water starting midnight before the surgery. Show up at 9:30, get dressed in a fancy gown, they ask a pile of questions, then the write YES on the surgery knee and NO on the "good" knee with a sharpie. I told them it didn't matter, both knees could probably use some work. They hooked me up to an IV w/ electrolyte fluids.
Then, I sat there for an hour or so, talk to the anesthesiologist, then the doc, then they take me into the OR at about 11:30. Strap me down on a table, have me breath through a mask, and in probably less than a minute, I was out. Next thing I know, I'm groggily waking up, totally spaced out. About 45 minutes have passed. Gone. Big wraps on my leg and they wheel me into a recovery room. I sit there for a while, pretty spaced out. Ocassionally, they say take a few deep breaths and cough. Must be to ensure I'm getting enough oxygen.
A little while later, they move me into a chair, call Lianne, and then they wheel me out to the car in a wheelchair. About 10 minutes later, I'm hobbling around w/ no crutches or anything. Now, I'm at home. I can make it up and down stairs, etc. Flexibility is pretty limited due to the heavy bandaging.
I'll go back in tomorrow for a Post Op appointment where I guess I'll find out more about the procedure and my recovery plan. Yay!
Not sure how long it'll take, but it sounds like pretty soon I'll get to put the new stuff in the pic above to use. A Maverick SC32 fork and downhill wheelset Maveric hub / Mavic EX719 and DT Onyx hub / D321. Fat. The fork will even fit the 3.7" Endomorph tire. Super cush setup that should allow me to ride through some serious snow and sand without hosing my elbows. I can't wait for snow and it's only August! Eventually, I'll probably move the new Echo Trials rim onto the Maverick hub, but for a bit I'll just use it as is. The 37mm rim should be good for now.