Took the Inbred out for a spin today w/ the new tires installed 26x3.0 Kenda Flames! Jeez, these things are humongous. So large, in fact, that I had to put the Inbred rigid fork back on. The front tire would not fit on the Marz.

I took the tires through everything the Preserve has to offer: sand, rocks, a few roots, and a tiny bit of mud. They worked fairly well. I kept dropping the pressure to see how low I could get. At low pressure, the deformation over trail obstacles is silly. I got a little too low in the rear tire, feeling the tire bottom out on a few rocks. I checked when I got back to the house and I was down to 6.0 psi front / 9.5 psi rear. The rear rim is much narrower, which may mean I need to run a bit higher pressure (in addition to the fact that most of my weight tends to be on the rear tire when going over obstacles).
Anyway, it was fun. Only 6 more months til I can try the fatties out in some snow. In the meantime, I'll probably put the bike to use as a kid hauler.