Tour de Hood
(first installment in a series of gravel ride descriptions)
Distance - 7.2 miles
Climbing - 875 feet
BGR (Brad's Gravel Rating) - 28
CRF (Cage Rage Factor) - low
Scenery - meh
Location - west of Monument, near the Mt Herman Preserve
Parking - Pothead Corner (Schilling Ave and Lindbergh Rd)
General Description - A short 95% dirt road loop through the neighborhood roads near the Mt Herman Preserve. A decent amount of sustained climbing. Plenty of optional detours to explore. Mostly good dirt roads that are sandy and loose in the summer, and sloppy and muddy after snow or heavy rain. Fairly exposed when windy.
Detailed route info
Park at Pot Corner and head east.
At the first intersection, stay right on Schilling.
Take first right on Vincent.
Take first left on Vandenberg.
Veer right onto Doolittle.
Hit the pavement (gasp), go left/right (essentially straight) onto Doolittle
Take first left onto Rickenbacker and after a short descent and right turn, get ready for a seemingly endless climb.
The road names turns into Spaatz.
Pass Wright then turn right onto Lindbergh.
Enjoy a slight respite with a flattish section, then turn left and uphill onto Doolittle (unless you take the Nancy option straight downhill and back to the trailhead).
Follow right turn onto Mt Herman Lane.
Take first left on Evans and climb in earnest.
Follow right turns on Edwards, Turner, and Mt Herman Lane.
Follow left turn onto Doolittle.
Take left onto Lindbergh and follow to Pothead Corner.
(first installment in a series of gravel ride descriptions)
Climbing - 875 feet
BGR (Brad's Gravel Rating) - 28
CRF (Cage Rage Factor) - low
Scenery - meh
Location - west of Monument, near the Mt Herman Preserve
Parking - Pothead Corner (Schilling Ave and Lindbergh Rd)
General Description - A short 95% dirt road loop through the neighborhood roads near the Mt Herman Preserve. A decent amount of sustained climbing. Plenty of optional detours to explore. Mostly good dirt roads that are sandy and loose in the summer, and sloppy and muddy after snow or heavy rain. Fairly exposed when windy.
Detailed route info
Park at Pot Corner and head east.
At the first intersection, stay right on Schilling.
Take first right on Vincent.
Take first left on Vandenberg.
Veer right onto Doolittle.
Hit the pavement (gasp), go left/right (essentially straight) onto Doolittle
Take first left onto Rickenbacker and after a short descent and right turn, get ready for a seemingly endless climb.
The road names turns into Spaatz.
Pass Wright then turn right onto Lindbergh.
Enjoy a slight respite with a flattish section, then turn left and uphill onto Doolittle (unless you take the Nancy option straight downhill and back to the trailhead).
Follow right turn onto Mt Herman Lane.
Take first left on Evans and climb in earnest.
Follow right turns on Edwards, Turner, and Mt Herman Lane.
Follow left turn onto Doolittle.
Take left onto Lindbergh and follow to Pothead Corner.