Headed out west towards Fruita this evening. I'm doing 18 Hours of Fruita solo again, but will be suffering alongside 3 other suckers: Nordby, Daniel, and Tirpak. Should be more fun with some company this year. Feeling ok, a little questionable on the fitness side of things, but good from an injury perspective.
Austin will be sending race updates via twitter, follow agonyou
Here are the crew notes updated for 2010:
Race goals
Have fun, but push myself
A minimum of 22 laps, hopefully hit 24-25
Realistically in the 20-25 lap range
Goal Avg lap time
20 54:00
21 51:25
22 49:05
23 46:57
24 45:00
25 43:12
Course is longer than last year, closer to 7 miles now.
Pre race
200-400 calories >= 3 hours before race (3 scoops of Sustained Energy
would work)
No solid food in the 3 hours prior to the race
Only 16oz of fluid per hour for the 2.5 hours prior to the race. ~40oz total
No fluid the last 20-30 minutes
Make sure lights are ready to roll - one on the bars and one on the helmet
Remind me to use chamois cream
Remind me to start at a super easy pace
Track and make sure I'm doing something close to the following...
Sustained Energy 2.5 scoops per hour
Water 20-25 oz per hour
Endurolytes 2-4 scoops per hour in water bottle depending on heat
(start w/ 2 per hour at night)
Hammer Gel - I don't need any of this, but may use a bit. If I
carry the flask, make sure I'm not going wild on using it
Prepare a handful of Sustained Energy bottles and put them in the
cooler, so I can grab and go.
Coffee! Last year this really helped. I had a cup after sunrise and
one later in the afternoon. Really woke me up.
Bike maintenance
Tools strapped to seatpost
Patch kit
Tire levers
chain quick link
two CO2 cartridges
CO2/emergency pump on bike
Tire pressure ~24psi
Clean cassette cogs and chain
Lube chain
Make sure brakes are not rubbing, especially if I've had a recent flat
Ensure shock is unlocked (lever turned counter clockwise)
If the shock needs to be messed w/ PSI should be 60% of body weight (~93 PSI)
Night laps
Change batteries at around 3 hours
I may try to run w/ 2 lights on the handlebars and the tiny light on
my helmet. if so, that tiny light will only last for 2 laps.
Make sure I'm dressed warmly enough, but remember I run warmer than
you. Significantly so.
In general
***If I get the crazy heart rate thing (supraventricular tachycardia)
do NOT let me go back on the course until my heart rate is normalish
Remind me to stretch and use the roller for it band, back, etc
Remind me to use chamois creme
If I am visibly dazed/confused force me to take a 15-30 minute break.
Coax me out of the pit if I'm looking fine (i.e. no just hanging out)
Although I do not plan to sleep, if I am insistent, let me sleep for 1 hour.
Keep track of weather and have me bring a shell if it looks like rain.
If it is raining, make sure I'm prepared with enough clothing for
dealing w/ a mechanical
If my shoes get soaked, remind me that I have extra dry shoes to change into
If it is really raining, it is ok for me to wait a bit for the course
to clear up
If I'm definitely no longer having fun, give me a beer!