The super wet Spring and early Summer are bringing a great display of flowers this year. Flowers, flowers, everywhere.

Despite my hosed knee, I got out for a decent ride last night with Tirpak and another good ride this morning by myself. I'm trying to stay off the real technical stuff, so I don't crash or have to plant my right leg heavily. So far so good.

Even the cactus are flowering this year.

Along with the flowers, the rain has blessed us with trail erosion and even serious road washouts. Mt Herman Rd is actually closed now due to a fairly substantial washout. Check it out...

Over the long weekend, I headed up to the Spirit Lake Nation in North Dakota for a Baker family reunion.

I managed to get in a couple rides, one of which involved trail exploration with my Dad. That also gave me the opportunity to practice my tick removal and poison ivy avoidance techniques. Yuck!