I've had bad knees for years. In the past year, they've seemed way more fragile. Soccer games can take a few days to recover from and in the past month, my right knee has really flared up. So, I told my chiropractor, who checked it out and said that it seemed like maybe an MCL tear, but more likely a medial meniscus tear. So, on his referral, I got an MRI done on Thursday. Results: obvious horizontal tear of the medial meniscus. Almost for sure getting scoped in the near future. The scary thing is that my other knee feels worse most of the time, it just doesn't have the short periods of sharp pain... It is just more consistently annoying.
Gotta stay off the real technical stuff and no running. I figure I should keep the knee strong, though, and not sit on the couch, so I hit the Preserve today. Did about and hour of riding. At the trailhead, I was amazed to see zero cars. I thought that was weird. About 10 minutes later, I figured out why. The clouds rolled through and the thunder and lightning got a bit scary. I high-tailed it home through some giant raindrops. It felt like it was going to hail, but never did.
Anyway, a nice ride where I didn't see a single other trail user. Yay!