Back from a successful venture in Fruita. Didn't feel quite as strong this year, but managed to podium with a third place finish. Did about 154 miles in 17:07. I had enough laps to secure third without having to ride the last 53ish minutes, thankfully. I was pretty spent and could have managed another lap, but it wouldn't have been a lotta fun. Zero rain this year, which was nice. Also, the course was extended with another 1.1 miles of new singletrack. Good stuff, but irritatingly rough and dusty. Will be good once the track wears in. I cratered hard in the new section on my fourth lap. Total face plant and managed to roll the tire off of the rim, resulting in a flat to fix and a sore neck and shoulder for the rest of the race. Overall, I felt pretty decent, but mid-morning started to overheat. Took a bit of an extended break to cool off and recuperate. Then, I went back out and turned my final 4 laps with Nordby, which was a fun way to finish off a good race. Daniel...